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South Dakata 3rd Spot
Name: South Dakata 3rd Spot
1 in stock
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Name: South Dakata 3rd Spot
Auctioneer: XO TRAFFIC
Type: Online-Only Auction
Preview Date/Time: Internet Only
Checkout Date/Time: Bidding for weekly spots will end at 5pm EST on every Monday. The winning auctions will appear and be included in the weekly newsletters as described. Each Auction Won is from MONDAY-to-MONDAY weekly. When you win a newsletter auction you will receive XO TRAFFIC from MONDAY PM to Monday PM. ** ONE WEEK **
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Location: USA
HOW DOES THIS WORK? It’s simple. XO TRAFFIC – is an Online Auction company specializing in helping only licensed auction companies receive bidder specific XO traffic to their individual auction/s.
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HOW DOES THE AUCTION WORK? The auction is open for bidding as soon as it goes “LIVE” online each Monday approximately 6PM EST. Bidding is super easy; at any time, you can begin placing your bids and may enter a maximum Proxy bid. EXAMPLE: LOT CALIFORNIA 1 – $10 Minimum Bid with no prior bids If no one else bids you have just won a week’s quality auction bidders traffic to your auction site for $10.
You can choose to bid $10 on this lot and you would be the high bidder. If someone bids more, you would then be outbid. If you had placed a maximum bid of $10, and the other person had bid higher, you would automatically be outbid with the new bid, and that new bid would be the higher bidder at $10. So, you don’t have to be in front of your computer at each bid of the auction and closing time unless you want to. Use a PROXY BID and place a bid larger than $10 and should there be another bidder who bids higher than your placed bid your proxy bid takes effect and outbids that bid. With XO TRAFFIC your bidding is done for you if you want that convenance. With that said if you do not proxy bid an amount and go with the minimum you will be notified by email that your bid is no longer the high bid.
When do the XO MARKETING Newsletters go out and at what frequency? The XO TRAFFIC Newsletters go out starting Monday P.M. EST. You will also receive a copy of the newsletter in your email of record as a validation of the content and the frequency. Most Newsletter are sent out MONDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY.
WHAT ARE THE RULES? All bidders must abide by the terms and conditions of the XO TRAFFIC to make for a fair and even playing field for everyone. All sales in auctions are final, no returns no exchanges and no changes. Please understand that it is important should you desire to ask any questions before you bid, a bid is a legally binding contract. XO TRAFFIC will restrict any future bids of an auction house for any breaches in our terms and conditions. That is the extent of our actions. Although highly unlikely any chargeback done by an auction house and high bidder may be seen as an attempt to, “defraud a merchant” and may be handed over to our collection agency if we deem it necessary.
WINNING COMFORT, make your bid with the peace of mind that you receive great newsletter exposure to only auction buyers from numerous platforms I.e., Hibid, Proxybid, Kbid and others!
TIMES and DATES: Easy to remember your newsletter dates… MONDAY to MONDAY each week. Even if you run a 1,2,3 week or 30-day auction. Your winning bid will represent one week of the XO TRAFFIC flow of current auction bidders. Sure to boost positive XO traffic to your auction.
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